
Climate risks depend on the magnitude and rate of warming, geographic location, levels of development and vulnerability, and on the choices and implementation of adaptation and mitigation options. (IPCC, 2022)


We are a research lab in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Manitoba, dedicated to advancing the understanding of climate risks and their impacts on human society. Our work focuses on three key areas: water resources, disaster management, and agricultural planning. For more information, please visit our Research and Papers pages.


  • Donghoon Lee joined the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Manitoba in Jan 2024!

Phone: 204.480.1828

Email: Donghoon.Lee@umanitoba.ca

Address: E1-428 EITC, 15 Gillson Street, University of Manitoba

Phone: 204.480.1828

Email: Donghoon.Lee@umanitoba.ca

Address: E1-428 EITC, 15 Gillson Street, University of Manitoba

Phone: 204.480.1828

Email: Donghoon.Lee@umanitoba.ca

Address: E1-428 EITC, 15 Gillson Street, University of Manitoba